
Doing God's Work in our Community and World


RIO East at Rockford

RIO East at Rockford is a satellite campus of RIO East Church. Their pastor is Dempsey Walker. Pastor Walker believes everyone is important in God's eyes. We desire to reach everyone with the Love of Jesus. Our Heart is for the Forgotten Ones, The Outcasts, Misfits and Homeless. 

Outreach is an important part of the vision of Rio East at Rockford. We are always looking for ways to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have declared War on Hunger so please feel free to contact us at (865) 705-8125 if you or someone you know needs food. We are a Mission centered Church. We do outreach not only in our community but also in other countries. We also minister at local area nursing homes, sharing the Love of Jesus wherever we go.

Mark 16:15 “Go ye into all the World and preach the Gospel to every creature.”

Come expecting to experience a Holy Spirit filled Praise and Worship Service. We believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are still for today. We rely on the direction of the Holy Spirit in each service. The Praise and Worship service will guide you into the Presence of the Lord.
Sunday & Wednesday
Sundays 10:30 am & 6:00 pm; Wednesdays 7:00 pm
3750 Old Knoxville Hwy, Rockford, TN  37853;  Facebook Live

Worship Ministry

At RIO East, we believe praise is about an outward communication from our actions. Through praise, we are focused on Him and no longer allowing too much attention to be centered around our struggles. Praise is praising God and thanking Him for what he has done, is doing, and continues to do. 

Worship is to serve and adore God. Worship is about love and appreciation. It’s gratitude to the Most High! Worship is developing an attitude of humility, obedience, and willingness to submit to the King and Creator of the Universe, the One who is infinitely greater than we are and loves us more than we can comprehend!

Praise and worship prepares us to hear the word and it not only fights the battles before the word it also lifts and exalts the Father and brings the Most Glory to His Name!
10:30 am

KIDZ Ministry

At RIO East, we have a dynamic and energetic children’s department, known as the RIO East KIDZ. The primary goal of the Children’s Ministry at RIO East is to reach children of all ages with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Here at RIO East, we provide a safe, loving, welcoming environment for babies, toddlers, and elementary to high school age children. Our classes are God-centered, Bible-based, child friendly and age appropriate. Children learn about who God is, knowing and understanding God’s word, and how to apply God’s word to their life. We have a class for every age group to learn about God and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ!
Sundays & Wednesdays
Sun 10:30 am, Wed 7:00 pm
RIO East Church

Palabra Viva, El Ministerio español

El ministerio RIO East Palabra Viva tiene el propósito de inspirar, enseñar, y discipular atravez de la Biblia. Nuestro objetivo es llevar el mensaje de salvación por medio de Jesús a la comunidad hispana, con el deseo que las personas puedan tener una relación genuina con Dios, y caminen en el propósito que Dios tiene para sus vidas. Creemos en el Dios que transforma familias, impactando de generación a generación atravez del poder del Espíritu Santo. Palabra Viva nace en el corazón del Pastor Principal de RIO East, Dale Buchanan, y inicia en Abril 2024 con el Pastor Hispano Rony Armijo y su esposa Caroline Armijo.
Los Domingos y Miércoles
Los Domingos 10:30 pm;  Miércoles 7:00 pm
1601 E Broadway Ave Maryville, TN 37804

Second Harvest Food Bank

RIO East Church has partnered with Second Harvest Food Bank to provide food to our local community, including the homeless and those without any means of food. 

The Mobile Pantry is a recurring monthly pantry on wheels that neighbors can count on for fresh, nutritious food distributed in each of our counties. The goal of the Second Harvest Food Bank of East Tennessee’s Mobile Pantry program is to make access to Food Bank services more convenient by reaching individuals at risk of hunger in their own communities.

Anyone is welcome to attend any Mobile Pantry, and we do not require you to bring anything with you.

Join us for a Mobile Pantry in Blount County at Rio East Church on each third Thursday of the month from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. (or until all allotted food has been given out). If you’re interested in volunteering, please register on Volunteer East Tennessee.
Third Thursday of each month
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
1601 E Broadway Ave Maryville, TN 37804

Intercessory Prayer Ministry

RIO East Church opens its doors each Thursday at 10:00am for Intercessory Prayer.   This ministry provides church members, members of other churches and members of our community the opportunity to attend a weekly prayer service. 

These prayer services are led by Ken Hall, Prayer Team Leader. Anyone and everyone is welcomed to pray or to request prayer from the church.  Our prayer team stands firmly on the belief that prayer and intercession are powerful weapons against the enemy. We believe in the power of prayer and believe that God calls us to stand in the gap for others.

The Intercessory Prayer Ministry is here to "stand in the gap." We believe that God has called each of us to pray and intercede on behalf of others.  The scripture says "And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for the Lord's people." (Ephesians 6:18)
10:00 am
1601 E Broadway Ave Maryville, TN 37804

Extended Care Ministry

RIO East Church has an active Extended Care Ministry, which is pastored by Don and Renita Rose. This ministry involves local nursing homes or assisted living facilities in several ways.

Each Sunday morning, they pay a visit to several local nursing home or assisted living facility.  There they hold a weekly church service for the residents, which is usually in a large common room area.  There are also Bible studies and weekly, in-room visitations, for any persons who may wish to attend the services but are unable to leave their room.  It is common for these services to have an attendance of 100-125 residents weekly, which equates to this ministry delivering church and the Word of God to approximately 5,200-6,500 persons who otherwise would be unable to attend a traditional church service.  

Additionally, the team helps with different events held at the facilities such as pumpkins for the annual decorating contest in the fall, assist in covering the costs of gifts from the Angel Tree for the residents, flowers for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, et cetera.

Over the past 15 years of this ministry our leaders have been blessed so much by the people they have had the opportunity to meet and are forever grateful for the bonds and friendships and to see the Lord work in so many lives.


RIO Missions has been traveling around the globe for more than twenty years. During this time we have always strived to go into places where others would not go. We are focused and are actively going after the unreached and unengaged with a target area on the Send the Light Cities. Our ministry around the world includes prison ministry, crusades, conferences, construction, children’s ministry, youth outreach, medical ministry, chaplaincy, and church planting. RIO has been ministering in more than 50 countries in the last twenty years with more than a half a million salvations.

Soup Kitchens

RIO East is involved in international ministry efforts.  RIO East sponsors two soup kitchens which are located in Pucallpa, Peru and Ancon, Peru. The Feeding Center of Inglesia Christo Rey is located in Pucallpa Peru which is in the jungles of Peru. RIO East helped plant a church in Ancon, Peru  called The Feeding Center of Villas de Ancon several years ago and remains an active supporter of the church, both through prayer and with financial support.  RIO East supports a total of 55 children annually through this Soup Kitchen ministry, 30 children are located in Pucallpa, Peru and 25 children in Ancon, Peru.  Members of the church have committed to supporting a child or children and through their support each child is provided with one hot meal daily and at least one hour of bible teaching each day as well.  The majority of these children are orphans or without the support of RIO East and workers from each soup kitchen would have no other viable means of survival.

RIO East also supports and sends members on an annual mission trip to Peru in support of this ministry.  The trip, usually in November, mission team members travel to Pucallpa and Ancon and provide a Christmas for the Soup Kitchen children.  Each child is given an age-appropriate toy, but more importantly item(s) of clothing or footwear depending on the specific needs of each child.  Mission team members host a Christmas celebration for the children.

Rescue Center

RIO East is partnered with the Rescue Center of Pucallpa. The center, located in Pucallpa, Peru is directly affiliated with a local church and is supported through prayer and also financially by RIO East Church. The Rescue Center is a place of hope and recovery for individuals who are fighting the battle of addiction to both drugs and/or alcohol. The center is open to men and women and is a place where people can find freedom from their addiction(s). The Rescue Center currently has 60 men and 30 women who are receiving services. The Rescue Center provides treatment in a “military format” style but also shows the Love of God and His ability and power to help those suffering to overcome their addictions and their own personal demons they may be battling.