
OFFERED For all ages infant to adult
We encourage everyone to join a small group or Sunday School class. Gathering in more intimate settings with like-minded individuals helps us create community, maintain accountability, find encouragement, and have lasting healthy relationships. Find a group that you love, and start growing!
01. Ages 0-3


We want every parent/caregiver/guardian to be able to enjoy the full worship experience. Our nursery is made up of caring, capable volunteers who want to serve by loving on your infants and toddlers. Nursery care is available during each scheduled service (Sunday School, Sunday AM and PM worship, and Wednesday night worship).
Sundays and Wednesdays
02. Ages 3-4 & sPECIAL nEEDS

Stepping Stones

Our preschool to kindergarten age children, as well as any children with special needs who need a little more love and attention, are invited to engage in their own Sunday School class and also meet for Stepping Stones during Sunday morning worship service. Each class is staffed with caring volunteers who want to teach biblical principles and instill godly values into your child. The Stepping Stones class typically involves a mini-message, crafts, and play - all centered around Christ and how we can be more like HIM.
10:30 am
03. Ages 5-6

Little Kidz

Elementary age students experience Church just like the adults, with a kid-friendly twist. They have a time of worship, they pray together, have a sermon, and are also able to have fun with what they've learned. Our kids are not to be overlooked. We believe children are not the church of tomorrow, but they are the church of today. Little KIDZ have Sunday School class, followed by KIDZ Church on Sundays.
10:30 am
03. Ages 7-11


Elementary age students experience Church just like the adults, with a kid-friendly twist. They have a time of worship, they pray together, have a sermon, and are also able to have fun with what they've learned. Our kids are not to be overlooked. We believe children are not the church of tomorrow, but they are the church of today. Students 6-11 have Sunday School class, followed by KIDZ Church on Sundays.
10:30 am
05. 6th-12th Grade

Youth Department

We are sitting on a “Generational Opportunity” Get ready for a game-changing movement!

The Reach at Rio East is launching, bringing together middle schoolers, high schoolers, college students, and young professionals. We'll break into three groups, each receiving tailored guidance and training, while sharing a unified purpose. Our gatherings will blend worship, ministry exploration, and social outings, fueling personal growth, meaningful connections, and a deeper commitment to advancing the Kingdom.
Sundays and Wednesdays
10:30 am Sun, 7:00 pm Wed
06. Ages 18-30

Young Adults

Our young adult group exists for college-and-career aged people from all walks of life. Single, married, with families, or without - we have a place for everyone! The Reach is known for its dynamic worship experience and love for community. They meet for Sunday School class and have small group on Wednesday nights at 7pm. They also enjoy various out-of-church activities, home-groups,  and fun events. They're also passionate about serving the community through various outreaches and mission trips.
7:00 pm
07. Ages 35-55

The Gap

The Gap is our middle-age adult small group. it is a great place to connect and grow. They meet for Sunday School each week. They frequently help our church through volunteering and serving. All are welcome to attend. The Gap love to have events, parties, and book studies.
Sundays & Monthly Small Group
9:30 am
08. Ages 55+

Sam's Club

SAM's Club (Senior Adult Ministry) meet for Sunday School and often enjoy having dinners, parties, and seasonal gatherings. They love to be together and are anything but a boring Senior group. Our SAM's Club is full of energy and love for God. We are grateful for their wisdom and all the experience they bring to our church!
9:30 am