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Meet Our Pastors

Pastors Dale & Teresa Buchanan have been the Senior Pastors of RIO East Church since its founding in 2004, and have been a vital asset to the entire RIO Network of Churches. They both share a passion for God's people and His church. The couple were both raised in East Tennessee and have been married for over forty-five years. They have a son (Jason) and a daughter (Misti), along with three granddaughters.
Jason and his wife Joy are the Young Adult Pastors of RIO East Church. Their daughter-in-law Joy also serves as our Worship Pastor. Together they have two daughters, Chloe and Joslyn.
Misti and her husband Matt also attend RIO East Church, and are the proud parents to our Pastors' youngest granddaughter, Hadleigh. Misti serves as our Christian Education Director and Matt leads the Emergency Response Team.

We are so thankful for our Pastors and their families, and all they do for our church body.

RIO East Church | 1601 East Broadway Ave | Maryville, TN 37804 | Office Contact 865-984-9250 |

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