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Frequently Asked Questions

How long are your services 

Our services last around 90-120 minutes, but it varies week-to-week. We believe the Lord should have liberty, and we are not set on a schedule. We will, however, be mindful of your time. You are free to arrive and leave at your own discretion. Typically service begins at 11am and ends around 12:30-1pm


Do you have parking?

Yes! We have plenty parking space.


What time should I get there?

Our service starts at 11 am, so we recommend you to get here 15 minutes prior so you can find a parking space, check-in your kids and find a seat. Sunday School begins at 10am, so if you plan to attend, then we recommend you arrive around 9:45am. We have a coffee lounge where you are welcome to enjoy a beverage before or after services and classes.


Where can I sit?

Get a spot anywhere you’d like! Our team of greeters will gladly help you find a seat. No seats are reserved or off limits.


Is there a dress code? Do I need to bring anything?

Everybody is welcome at RIO East so you need not worry about how you look. Your bible and notepad for taking notes are great ideas of what to bring, but nothing is required. Come as you are!


I have kids, is there a place for them?

Of course! We have our  RIO East Kidz program every Sunday morning and we offer Nursery care for infants and toddlers. Find our more specific details on our Classes & Activities page, and look for what we offer children of all ages.


Will I be asked for money during your service?

We believe in tithes and offerings as a vehicle for God to bless His people, so we do have offering time in our service, but no one is under compulsion to give. Tithes and offering are given free-will and by the generosity of your heart.

RIO East Church | 1601 East Broadway Ave | Maryville, TN 37804 | Office Contact 865-984-9250 |

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